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Table 1 Use of egress components in relation to different egress strategies

From: Fire evacuation in high-rise buildings: a review of human behaviour and modelling research

Egress strategy

Egress component(s)

Total evacuation

- Stairs

- Elevators

- Stairs + Elevators

- Stairs + Sky-bridges

- Stairs + Elevators + Sky-bridges

- Stairs + Elevators + Sky-bridges + Refuge floors

- Alternative means of escape (+other component(s) depending on the mean of escape)

Phased evacuation

- Stairs

- Elevators

- Stairs + Elevators

- Stairs + Sky-bridges

- Stairs + Elevators + Sky-bridges

- Stairs + Elevators + Sky-bridges + Refuge floors

- Alternative means of escape (+other component(s) depending on the mean of escape)

Delayed evacuation

- Stairs + Refuge floors

- Stairs + Elevators + Refuge floors

Defend in place

- Refuge floors (areas of refuge)